What is an Heirloom Tomato?
An heirloom tomato is a variety of tomato that has been passed down through generations of growers, typically for at least 50 years.
How Have Humans Influenced the Colour of Tomatoes?
Humans have had a significant influence on the colour of tomatoes through centuries of selective breeding and modern agricultural techniques.
Tomato Throwing Championships
While there isn’t an official Tomato Throwing Championship yet, events like La Tomatina and similar festivals around the world serve as informal gatherings where people can indulge in the joy of hurling tomatoes at each other.
Why are Tomatoes Different Colours?
Tomatoes come in a spectrum of colours because of differences in genetic traits, pigments, environmental factors, and selective breeding.
Tomato Classification
Tomatoes are classified within the Solanaceae family and are botanically considered fruits, though used as vegetables in cooking.
What are the Different Types of Hoop House?
Hoop houses come in various types and sizes, each designed to meet different gardening or farming needs.
UV Requirements for Tomato Plants
Tomato plants thrive on sunlight and have specific UV light requirements to grow, develop, and produce fruit effectively.
What are the Plastic Covering Options for a Hoop House?
When building a hoop house, choosing the right plastic covering is essential for creating a suitable environment for your plants.
The Study of Tomatoes - “Tomatology” :-)
The study of tomatoes encompasses various scientific fields, including botany, horticulture, agriculture, genetics, nutrition, and food science.
Tomato vs Pepper!
While tomatoes and peppers share the same plant family (Solanaceae), they have significant differences in flavour, culinary uses, and characteristics.
Tomato Skin
Tomato skin is the thin, protective outer layer of the tomato fruit. It plays an important role in preserving the fruit’s structure and protecting it from environmental factors, such as pests, diseases, and moisture loss.
How Many Genes in a Tomato?
Tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) have approximately 35,000 genes. Whereas humans have around 20,000-25,000 genes.
What is the Kratky Method for Growing Tomatoes?
The Kratky Method is a passive hydroponic system that allows you to grow plants, including tomatoes, without pumps or continuous water circulation.
Cleaning a Poly-tunnel at the End of the Growing Season
Cleaning a polytunnel at the end of the growing season is essential for maintaining a healthy growing environment.
When to Strip Out Old Tomato Plants
You should strip out old tomato plants when the growing season ends, or when they stop producing viable fruit, typically after they show signs of disease, pest infestation, or when the cold season approaches.
Kaizen - Continuous Improvement for Tomato Growing
Kaizen, a Japanese term meaning "continuous improvement," can be applied to various aspects of life, including tomato growing. In the context of agriculture or gardening, using the Kaizen approach encourages small, incremental improvements in growing practices to boost productivity, reduce waste, and optimize processes.
Natural Fungicides for Tomato Plants
Natural fungicides can be highly effective in managing fungal diseases on tomatoes while being safer for the environment and human health. Common fungal diseases affecting tomatoes include blight, powdery mildew, and anthracnose.
How Genetically Stable are Heirloom Tomatoes?
Heirloom / heritage tomatoes are considered generally genetically stable as long as they are grown in isolation from other varieties and allowed to pollinate within their own type. This stability supports them to produce seeds that grow true to the parent plant, making them more reliable for seed saving. Minor natural variations may occur, but overall, they are typically dependable in maintaining their unique characteristics across generations.