THE HOOP HOUSE - Stitching (Grafting) Tomatoes in UK

Stitching (Grafting) Tomatoes

Stitching / Grafting involves joining two plants together so that they grow as one. This technique is often used to combine the best traits of two different plants, such as disease resistance and high yield.

  1. Rootstock and Scion Selection

    • Rootstock: Choose a variety known for strong root systems and disease resistance.

    • Scion: Select the Tigerella variety or any other desired fruit-producing variety.

  2. Stitching / Grafting Process

    • Preparation: Start by growing both rootstock and scion seedlings until they have similar stem diameters.

    • Cutting: Make a diagonal cut on the rootstock and a corresponding cut on the scion.

    • Joining: Fit the cut surfaces together and secure them with a grafting clip or tape.

    • Healing: Place the stitched / grafted plants in a humid, shaded environment for 7-10 days to allow the graft to heal.

  3. Transplanting

    • Once the stitch / graft has healed, transplant the stitched / grafted plant to its final location, ensuring it receives proper care and support.


NPK Recipe for Tomato Seedlings


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