Tomato Plants: What is the Difference Between Hybridisation and Genetic Modification?

Hybridisation and Genetic Modification are two different methods of altering plants, but they differ significantly in how they achieve these changes.

1. Hybridisation:

  • Definition: Hybridisation is the process of cross-breeding two different plant varieties or species to produce a new plant variety (called a hybrid) that has the best traits of both parents.

  • Used for thousands of years in traditional agriculture.

  • Method: This is a natural or controlled process where pollen from one plant is transferred to the flower of another, allowing them to reproduce. The offspring of this cross will have a mix of traits from both parent plants.

  • Example: A farmer might cross a tomato plant that’s disease-resistant with one that has a great flavour to create a hybrid that possesses both qualities.

  • Outcome: The resulting hybrid is typically labeled as an F1 hybrid. These hybrids often exhibit "hybrid vigour," meaning they are more robust and productive than either parent. However, if you save seeds from hybrid plants and plant them, the offspring (F2 generation) will not have consistent traits, making hybrids not true-to-type in the next generation.

  • Common in: Traditional agriculture, gardening, and breeding programs.

2. Genetic Modification (GMOs):

  • Definition: Genetic modification (also called genetic engineering) is a process where scientists directly alter the DNA of a plant in a laboratory, often by inserting genes from a different species to give the plant new characteristics that it wouldn’t naturally possess.

  • Introduced in the 1990s and is more recent. The first genetically modified food to undergo trials was the Flavr Savr tomato, engineered for a longer shelf life, which was briefly available on the market starting May 21, 1994. The first genetically modified tomato approved for direct consumption was introduced in Japan in 2021.

  • Method: This involves isolating and inserting specific genes into a plant's genome. The introduced genes could come from another plant, bacteria, or even animals. This results in a plant with traits that couldn’t occur through natural breeding or hybridization.

  • Example: Genetically modified corn that has a gene from a bacterium (Bacillus thuringiensis, or Bt) inserted into it, which makes the corn resistant to pests.

  • Outcome: GM plants often have highly targeted traits such as resistance to pests, herbicides, or diseases. Unlike hybrids, genetically modified plants will pass these traits on consistently to the next generation.

  • Common in: Large-scale commercial farming. GM crops like soybeans, corn, and cotton are widespread in industrial agriculture.


  • Hybridization is a traditional method that involves cross-pollinating plants to produce offspring with desirable traits.

  • Genetic modification is a modern, lab-based technique where genes are directly manipulated to create plants with new characteristics that cannot be achieved through natural breeding.

Both methods are used to improve crops, but they differ in the level of intervention and the source of genetic change.




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