NPK Recipe for Tomato Seedlings

When growing tomato seedlings, it's important to provide a balanced supply of nutrients that promote healthy root development and sturdy, green growth without overwhelming the young plants. The right NPK ratio and fertiliser mix will support their early development.

NPK Needs for Tomato Seedlings:

  1. Nitrogen (N): Necessary for foliage development and overall growth, but should be in moderate amounts to avoid leggy seedlings.

  2. Phosphorus (P): Promotes strong root development, essential for young seedlings.

  3. Potassium (K): Supports overall plant health, including disease resistance and water regulation.

For seedlings, the focus is on balanced nutrition, with an emphasis on phosphorus for root development and moderate nitrogen for healthy green growth.

Ideal NPK Ratio for Tomato Seedlings:

A balanced fertilizer with a ratio of 3-1-2 or 5-3-3 (low to moderate nitrogen, with phosphorus slightly lower and potassium around equal or slightly higher) works well for tomato seedlings.

Example NPK ratios for seedlings:

  • 5-5-5 (balanced)

  • 3-1-2 (promotes root growth without overloading nitrogen)

  • 5-3-3 (for steady early growth)

DIY Organic NPK Mix for Tomato Seedlings:

You can create a simple organic mix using natural sources of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Here's a basic recipe:


  1. Compost (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium):

    • NPK ratio: 1-1-1 to 2-1-1 (varies)

    • Provides a balanced supply of nutrients in a slow-release form.

    • Usage: Mix compost into the seedling soil or use as a top dressing.

  2. Bone Meal (Phosphorus):

    • NPK ratio: 3-15-0

    • Provides phosphorus, essential for root development in seedlings.

    • Usage: Mix 1 tablespoon of bone meal into 1 gallon of potting mix.

  3. Fish Emulsion (Nitrogen, Trace Minerals):

    • NPK ratio: 5-1-1

    • A great source of nitrogen that promotes green growth without overwhelming the seedlings.

    • Usage: Dilute fish emulsion at ¼ strength (1 tablespoon per gallon of water) and apply every 1-2 weeks.

  4. Wood Ash or Kelp Meal (Potassium):

    • Wood Ash NPK ratio: 0-1-3

    • Kelp Meal NPK ratio: 1-0-2

    • Potassium promotes strong stem growth and overall plant health.

    • Usage: Sprinkle a small amount (1 teaspoon) around the seedlings and mix lightly into the topsoil.

  5. Epsom Salt (Magnesium):

    • Not part of NPK but helps with magnesium deficiency, supporting green foliage and healthy growth.

    • Usage: Mix 1 teaspoon of Epsom salt per gallon of water and apply once a month.

Example NPK Fertiliser Mix for Tomato Seedlings:

  • 1 part compost (balanced nutrients, supports root development and overall growth).

  • 1 tablespoon bone meal per gallon of potting mix (high in phosphorus for strong roots).

  • 1 tablespoon fish emulsion per gallon of water (diluted for nitrogen and trace minerals).

  • 1 teaspoon wood ash or kelp meal (for potassium, promotes healthy stem growth).


  1. Mix into soil: Combine compost and bone meal into your potting mix before planting your seeds.

  2. Liquid feed: After the seedlings have developed their first set of true leaves, begin feeding them with diluted fish emulsion (¼ strength) every 1-2 weeks.

  3. Monitor growth: If the seedlings are growing too tall or "leggy," reduce nitrogen. If growth is slow, consider slightly increasing phosphorus or potassium levels.


The key to a successful NPK mix for tomato seedlings is to maintain balance while focusing on phosphorus for root development. Avoid overloading nitrogen, which can result in weak, leggy growth.


February 2024


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