Tomatoes, tomatoes and more tomatoes

Our tomatoes are getting stronger. This year has been a focus on heirloom tomatoes / heritage tomatoes, experimenting on a pursuit to find the BEST TOMATO in general in terms of flavour, appearance, colour, abundance, ease of growing. Sixty two tomato plants spread across about 20 varieties, plus another 30 or so smaller tomato plants in pots ready to go.

Tomato growing aspects being considered are as follows:

  • TOMATO PLANTING TIMING: January, February, March, April, May, June combined with timing of results and quality of results.

  • TOMATOES FROM SEEDS OR PLUGS: All grown from seeds, some purchased, some harvested, planted in trays then pricked out for full growing.

  • TOMATO GROWING METHOD: Pots, outside, compost bags, ground, compost, poly tunnel / greenhouse / hoop house / hot house, inside.

  • TOMATO COMPOST: Different types of compost, different mixes, vermiculite, perlite, coco, fertilisers.

  • TOMATO PLANT VARIETIES: Different varieties of tomato plants considering their size, abundance, growing pattern, colour, flavour, appearance, seed collection, pollination, leaf type, watering, feeding, maintenance, pruning.

  • TOMATO PLANT IRRIGATION: Hoses, automation, reservoirs, maintenance, robustness, fixed pipes, drip feeder, sprinklers, bottom feed, autopots.

  • TOMATO SEED HARVESTING: Different methods, organisation, identification.

  • TOMATO USES: Salads, cooked food, sauces.


Heritage / Heirloom Tomatoes

