10 Significant Tomato Varieties

Here are 10 tomato varieties that have significantly impacted agriculture, cuisine, and even the history of tomatoes:

1. San Marzano

This Italian variety is considered one of the best tomatoes for making sauce due to its meaty texture, low seed content, and rich flavour. San Marzano tomatoes are integral to authentic Italian cuisine, particularly in dishes like pizza and pasta. They are also regulated under DOP (Denominazione d’Origine Protetta) status, ensuring their authenticity and quality.

2. Brandywine

A legendary heirloom tomato variety known for its large size and rich, sweet flavour. Brandywine helped spark the heirloom tomato movement, emphasizing flavor and variety over the uniform appearance of commercial hybrids. It brought awareness to the importance of preserving agricultural diversity.

3. Moneymaker

A highly productive and resilient variety developed in the UK during the early 20th century. Moneymaker became a popular commercial tomato for its ability to thrive in a wide range of climates and its consistent yields. It was widely grown in Europe and was a staple for gardeners and commercial growers alike.

4. Roma

A widely used plum tomato known for its dense flesh and low moisture content, perfect for canning and sauces. Roma tomatoes revolutionized food preservation and the home canning industry, allowing families and businesses to preserve tomatoes for sauces, salsas, and pastes. Their wide adaptability made them a staple in gardens and farms.

5. Ailsa Craig

Developed in Scotland in the early 20th century, this tomato is known for its flavorful fruits and resistance to diseases. Ailsa Craig became a benchmark for hybrid tomato development due to its adaptability to greenhouses and outdoor conditions, helping to advance modern tomato breeding.

6. Marglobe

Developed in the U.S. in 1917, Marglobe is known for being one of the first disease-resistant tomato varieties. Marglobe's disease resistance and high yield marked a turning point in hybrid tomato breeding, laying the foundation for many modern commercial varieties. It became a reliable crop for farmers around the world.

7. Better Boy

A hybrid tomato known for its disease resistance and high productivity, first introduced in the U.S. in the 1960s. Better Boy set a record for the highest yield of any tomato plant, with a single plant producing over 150kg fruit. Its reliability and resistance to common tomato diseases made it a favorite for commercial and home gardeners.

8. Campari

A cocktail-sized tomato known for its balance of sweetness and acidity. Campari tomatoes were among the first to be marketed as a premium, flavorful tomato variety in the early 2000s. Their rise in popularity showed that consumers were willing to pay more for quality and taste, influencing the modern trend of premium tomato varieties in supermarkets.

9. Rutgers

A classic American variety developed in the 1930s in New Jersey, used widely in commercial processing. Rutgers tomatoes became a major variety used in canning and ketchup production. It was one of the most widely grown commercial tomatoes in the U.S. for decades and played a key role in the post-war expansion of the processed food industry.

10. Celebrity

A hybrid tomato variety known for its disease resistance and adaptability. Celebrity tomatoes are an All-America Selections (AAS) winner, and their disease resistance set a new standard for home gardeners and small farmers looking for reliable crops with consistent yields. It helped bridge the gap between commercial and home gardening varieties.


These tomato varieties have shaped the way tomatoes are grown, consumed, and preserved. From heirloom and heritage varieties that sparked the modern garden movement to disease-resistant hybrids that revolutionized commercial farming, each tomato has played a role in changing the world of agriculture and cuisine.


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THE HOOP HOUSE Creativity - Creative Ideas for Tomatoes and Tomato Growing - UK