THE HOOP HOUSE Creativity - Creative Ideas for Tomatoes and Tomato Growing - UK

Creative Gardening Techniques

  1. Vertical Gardens

    • Living Walls: Create a living wall using tomato plants. Use trellises or specially designed wall planters to grow tomatoes vertically, saving space and creating a beautiful, green wall.

    • Hanging Baskets: Grow cherry or grape tomatoes in hanging baskets for a unique and decorative touch to patios and balconies.

  2. Themed Gardens

    • Pizza Garden: Design a garden with all the ingredients you’d need for a pizza – tomatoes, basil, oregano, and peppers.

    • Rainbow Garden: Plant heirloom tomatoes in a variety of colors – red, yellow, orange, green, purple, and even striped varieties – for a vibrant and visually appealing garden.

  3. Unconventional Containers

    • Recycled Containers: Use old boots, buckets, or even tires as planters for your tomato plants. This not only recycles waste but also adds a quirky touch to your garden.

    • Upside-Down Planters: Grow tomatoes upside down using specially designed planters, which can save space and reduce the risk of soil-borne diseases.

  4. Intercropping and Companion Planting

    • Intercrop with Flowers: Plant tomatoes with marigolds or nasturtiums to deter pests and add a burst of color to your garden.

    • Herb Companions: Grow basil, parsley, and chives alongside tomatoes to improve flavor and deter pests.

Creative Culinary Uses

  1. Artistic Presentations

    • Tomato Carvings: Carve tomatoes into roses or other intricate designs to use as garnishes for dishes.

    • Colorful Salads: Use a variety of heirloom tomatoes to create a colorful and visually stunning salad.

  2. Innovative Recipes

    • Tomato Sorbet: Create a refreshing sorbet using fresh tomatoes, sugar, and lemon juice.

    • Tomato Jelly: Make a unique tomato jelly or jam, which pairs well with cheeses and crackers.

    • Stuffed Tomatoes: Hollow out large tomatoes and fill them with a mixture of rice, herbs, and meat or vegetables for a beautiful and tasty dish.

  3. Preservation Techniques

    • Sun-Dried Tomatoes: Make your own sun-dried tomatoes by drying them in the sun or using a dehydrator.

    • Tomato Pickles: Pickle cherry tomatoes with vinegar, garlic, and dill for a tangy snack.

Artistic and Educational Projects

  1. Tomato Art

    • Seed Mosaics: Create mosaics using different types of tomato seeds.

    • Tomato Stamping: Cut tomatoes in half and use them as stamps with paint to create interesting patterns on paper or fabric.

  2. Educational Gardens

    • Children’s Gardens: Create small, themed garden beds for children to learn about gardening. Include fun signs and interactive elements.

    • Science Projects: Use tomato plants for educational science projects, such as studying plant growth under different conditions or exploring grafting techniques.

Community and Social Engagement

  1. Tomato Festivals

    • Organize Festivals: Host a local tomato festival featuring tastings, cooking demonstrations, and competitions for the best tomato dishes or the largest tomato.

    • Tomato Tasting Events: Organize events where people can taste and vote on their favorite tomato varieties.

  2. Community Gardening

    • Shared Gardens: Start a community garden where members can contribute to and benefit from the harvest, promoting social interaction and shared responsibility.

    • Seed Swaps: Host or participate in seed swaps to exchange heirloom and unique tomato varieties with other gardeners.

  3. Tomato Crafts

    • DIY Crafts: Use tomato vines and other parts of the plant for crafting wreaths, baskets, or other decorative items.


Creativity with tomatoes encompasses a wide range of activities from innovative gardening methods to artistic culinary presentations and engaging community events. By exploring these creative approaches, you can enjoy the versatility and beauty of tomatoes while enhancing your gardening and culinary skills.


10 Significant Tomato Varieties


February 2024